Friday, July 29, 2011

Planning my future

Plans always change, always!!! Since i don't think anybody important read this blog i can safely say..
My parents are talking about moving out of our home in New Zealand to live in another country so my dad can get better work. This was told to me not from my parents and sisters pacifically but from people not related to me so closely which in a way pisses the fuck out of me. I don't care how far i am away from my family.. i still deserve to know what's being planned. I mean, yeah i love surprises but this is not what i would consider 'a surprise' to be. This is like a slap in the face
I'm not sure how much of this is true and what in reality will really happen but for now.. i'm getting ready to have a very long chat on the phone to home. This will be interesting just like a lot of the other decisions being made around me between my host family
It's true.. i've always got myself in the middle of everyones problems and mess
So one simple or maybe not so simple decision could in turn change everything i imagined to happen straight after my exchange year in America. I hate that feeling.. you've thought a plan through for "" and then BAM you've got to start over.
Now i really don't know what's what.

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